http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPi-i_og-UU (via @JadAbumrad)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPi-i_og-UU (via @JadAbumrad)
So someone out there thinks I’m a dispensary now… http://cl.ly/JEDd
Good thing it’s back to school time for Lena. http://cl.ly/JBJ9
Looks like there’s still one good use for Flash out there. Muscle Music: http://vimeo.com/47875656
Well, I guess it’s time to move onto plan B—as soon as I figure out what that is.
Current status: http://www.gonzotimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/divide3.jpg
Also OH: “I declined his invitations to have a threesome with he and his wife on multiple occasions…”
OH: “Welcome. You’ve Got Mail!”
What is this, 1998?
Just spent some time checking out the @TeslaMotors Model S. So, so very nice—I need to find a way to make that my next car.
What the… http://www.tackwholesale.com/images/Fly_Mask_with_Ears_Horse_BK_trim.jpg
RT @andrewducker: OH MY GOD. I JUST WITNESSED THE SINGLE GREATEST MOMENT IN HUMAN HISTORY. http://likethebookshop.tumblr.com/post/28164604850/oh-my-god-i-just-witnessed-the-single-greatest-moment
Any OS X pros out there care to help me out with an issue I’m having with Mail.app? https://discussions.apple.com/thread/4151150
A Family Portrait: Han, Vader, Chewie, Leia, Luke, and R2. https://gimmebar.com/view/50103a0d29ca156d62000000 (via @JadAbumrad)
RT @leeclowsbeard: Dear Creative Team, “Getting production involved” does not count as stifling your “vision.” In fact, it’s quite the opposite. Love, LCB
Man, browsing for a good movie on Netflix streaming is like searching for a Tom Ford suit in the bargain rack at TJ Maxx.
This is what Photoshop was invented for: Celebrities as Ordinary People. http://www.businessinsider.com/celebrities-as-ordinary-people-2012-7?op=1
RT @kirbyt: This is how a redneck get better zoom on his smart phone’s camera. http://twitpic.com/a7mo2m
Uh oh. Tiny Wings HD (a.k.a. v.2) is out. There goes the weekend. https://itunes.apple.com/en/app/tiny-wings-hd/id541517597?mt=8
Eleven Months, Three Thousand pictures and a lot of coffee. A wonderfully mesmerizing record of an engine rebuild. http://youtu.be/daVDrGsaDME
99% Invisible, the superlative podcast by @romanmars, is Kickstarting its next season. This is a project worth backing: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1748303376/99-invisible-season-3