A lengthy read, but very, very true: The care and feeding of software engineers (or, why engineers are grumpy) http://instapaper.com/zgm57ei4u
A lengthy read, but very, very true: The care and feeding of software engineers (or, why engineers are grumpy) http://instapaper.com/zgm57ei4u
Man, achieving inbox zero is easy next to the Herculean task of achieving @instapaper zero.
If anybody out there wants a large-ish Wacom graphics tablet, I’m selling one. It’s old, but works perfectly. http://www.ebay.com/itm/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=330759295946&ssPageName=ADME:L:LCA:US:1123#ht_500wt_1352
Well, how about that—according to Chrome, English and Serbian are practically the same language. http://cl.ly/HqYT
Random robot barf in the wild. http://cl.ly/Hc8l
Spending the next five days relaxing in our bungalow. http://cl.ly/HXKB
Chipotle Mexican Grill’s crack design team is on the ball. http://cl.ly/HOx3
Any dev types adept at fleshing out Wordpress templates and looking for a lead, get @ me!
Anyone in the Salem area interested in a co-working arrangement? If so, @ me and let’s talk!
New England weather is giving Old England weather a run for its money these past few days.
I concur wholeheartedly—Old Farts Know How to Code. http://nick.typepad.com/blog/2012/05/old-farts-know-how-to-code.html /via @chockenberry
Any Apache mad geniuses out there have a few moments to help me with a mod_rewrite issue? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10726320/how-do-i-get-mod-rewrite-to-both-remove-file-extensions-and-redirect-certain-url
According to my tweet stream, it’s currently raining in New York. #uselessWeatherTweets
It’s still spring, right? We’ve still got a number of items left in our spring cleaning sale, especially for toddlers! http://kimili.com/spring-cleaning/
Typo? http://cl.ly/GiS6
RT @leeclowsbeard: Failure hurts less than regret.
Absolutely delightful 5 minute film about contemporary artist John Baldessari, narrated by Tom Waits: http://exp.lore.com/post/23205683082/tom-waits-narrates-a-quirky-6-minute-documentary /via @brainpicker
Toss paintballs at your browser with your iPhone. Very, very impressive toy, built with HTML5/CSS3/Node.js -> http://swajp.dareville.com/
Crystal Jelly http://instagr.am/p/KTAhggCNxj/
OH: “There’s no kill switch on AWESOME”